
Rigid cystoscopes

Rigid cystoscopes were the first endoscopic instruments used in urological practice, and for a long time, the endoscopic exploration and treatment of lower urinary tract disorders was based exclusively on this type of instruments. The diameter of rigid cystoscopes varies between 6 F and 27 F; the most commonly used in adults having a diameter ranging between 15 F and 25 F (Akornor et al., 2005).

the size of the cystoscope is chosen according to the indication of the endoscopic procedure, the general rule being to use the instrument with the smallest diameter that is suitable for the intervention that needs to be performed (Manyak and Scherr, 1996).

Existing rigid cystoscopes, regardless of size, are composed of three main parts :

external sheath with obturator

intermediate piece (bridge)

telescope (optical system)

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