
5 Barriers to the Chinese medical endoscope industry

1. Technical barriers
The barriers of the endoscope industry are extremely high, requiring a team of talents in multiple professional fields such as medicine, optics, IT, electronics, and materials to complete the industry's R&D work and production management.
2. Entry barriers
Due to the strict medical device manufacturing enterprise license and product registration system implemented by the drug regulatory department, new endoscope companies need to obtain the "Medical Device Manufacturing Enterprise License" and the "Medical Device Operating Enterprise License" before they can engage in business activities. Before selling the endoscope, a registration certificate for the product is required.
3. Capital barriers
The endoscope industry has high requirements for product material processing, equipment quality, and equipment precision. At the same time, the research and development cycle is long, the CFDA's strict registration system and the promotion of new products require a large sales cost. Therefore, the endoscope company The funding requirements are high.
4. The moat of international giants
Large companies with a long history in the field of endoscopes, such as Olympus, have monopoly advantages in technology, supply chain, marketing, and branding. Olympus’s technology blockade is embodied in preventing the export of upstream core components, not setting up R&D centers in other countries and applying for patents in important fields, etc.; focusing on quality in production management while minimizing consumption and reducing costs; in marketing , In the Chinese market to help some top three hospitals train doctors to form specific habits and trust the Olympus brand more. Although Olympus was forced to hand in huge fines due to financial fraud in the international market due to financial fraud, the head of the bribery department and the sales team were forced to pay hospital experts kickbacks, and several medical accidents caused by endoscopy products, Olympus' market The share is still not greatly affected, which shows the strength of the Olympus moat from the side.

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