
Classification Of Medical Endoscopes

With the development of science and technology, the treatment technology of medical industry is constantly improving and progressing. Medical examination equipment is gradually becoming more precise and intelligent. Today, let's take stock of the four classification standards of medical endoscopes.

Medical endoscope is a kind of examination equipment commonly used in medical industry to find the cause of disease. The endoscope lens can enter the human body for shooting through the natural channel of the human body or through a small incision after surgery, and then the corresponding display device can display the pictures shot by the lens, so that the situation or changes in the human body can be observed more intuitively and accurately, so as to find out the cause of the disease more quickly and prescribe the right medicine.

As for the types of the medical endoscope for sale, because they are medical devices that need to enter the body, the requirements of the whole process from production to use are very strict, and the classification standards of types are also very strict, and there are still many. There are roughly the following four types of classification standards:

First, according to the position reached by the medical endoscope

It can be divided into otolaryngoscope, skin detection medical endoscope, eye medical endoscope, oral endoscope, dental endoscope, neuroscope, urethral cystoscope, resectoscope, laparoscope, arthroscope, sinus endoscope, laryngoscope, etc.

Second, according to the development and imaging structure of medical endoscope

It can be roughly divided into three categories: hard tube endoscope, fiber endoscope and electronic endoscope.

Fiber endoscope: It consists of endoscope body and cold light source. There are two optical fiber bundles in the endoscope body: one is called light beam and the other is called image beam. One end is aimed at the eyepiece, and the other end is aimed at the surface of the observed object through the object lens. Doctors can visually see the surface of organs through the eyepiece, which is convenient for timely and accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Electronic endoscope: instead of optical fiber image transmission, it is replaced by photosensitive integrated circuit camera system, which can display not only good image quality, strong brightness, but also large images, which can check smaller lesions. Moreover, the electronic endoscope has a thinner outer diameter, clearer and more intuitive images, and is easy to operate.

Third, according to the function of medical endoscope

It can be divided into single-function mirror and multi-function mirror.

Single-function mirror: it refers to the observation mirror with no working channel and only optical system;

Multi-function mirror: it means that besides the function of observation mirror, it has at least one working channel in the same mirror body, and has various functions such as illumination, surgery, washing and suction.

Four, according to the medical endoscope body can change direction

Clinically, it is classified according to whether the endoscope body can change its direction: hard mirror and flexible soft mirror. The hard mirror is a prism optical system, and Z has the advantage of clear imaging, which can be equipped with multiple working channels and multiple viewing angles.

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