
Basic Structure and Using Precautions of Cystoscope

Cystoscope is a kind of endoscope, similar in shape to urethral probe. Electron microscope sheath, inspection scope, disposal and ureteral intubation scope and scope core constitute a set of four parts. Accessories such as tissue inspection forceps. In recent years, the lighting system of the cystoscope has been changed. It is equipped with a cold light source box. The strong cold light in the reverse direction is transmitted to the inside of the bladder through the optical fiber guide light beam, replacing the bulb lighting at the front end of the cystoscope sheath. Dimming at will and other advantages.

1. The basic structure of cystoscope

Cystoscope is a kind of optical endoscope with a complex structure. There are many types and different structures, but the main components are the scope sheath, endoscope, intubation scope, obturator, accessories and other structures. The role of the scope sheath is to enable the speculum to be introduced smoothly, to flush the bladder and to supply the lighting source. The basic structure of the concave cystoscope and its name are three parts: front end, mirror rod and rear end. The front end is very short, about 1.5 cm long, and forms an angle with the mirror rod. There are two types: concave and convex; the front end is the device part of the light source, and the voltage of the light source bulb is fixed, generally 2.5 volts, 3 volts and 4.5 volts. The modern new type of cold light source fiber cysto scope uses a tungsten monobromide lamp as the light source, and is connected to the cystoscope by a light guide fiber, and then the light guide beam fixed inside the lens rod guides the light to the small window at the front end of the lens sheath. inside shot. Therefore, there is no bulb device at the front end of the mirror sheath, but the luminosity is soft and extremely bright. This new type of fiberoptic cystoscope is also called cold light source cystoscope because there is no bulb light source at the front end and no heat is generated.

A small tungsten filament bulb is installed in a small hollow window at the front end of an ordinary cystoscope. At the front end of the concave or convex mirror sheath, there is an ellipse and a small window equipped with sealing glass. The light of the bulb light source or the cold light source is emitted from the small window, which is the illumination part of the field of view. The top is a small metal screw cap that can be removed or tightened for replacement or inspection of the bulb. One end of the tungsten wire inside the bulb is attached to the metal tube wall behind the bulb; the metal small tube is insulated from the surroundings, but connected with an insulated wire; the insulated wire is along the mirror rod and a pole at the rear Connected; the other end of the tungsten wire is in contact with the top metal cap, and is connected to the other pole of the rear end by the mirror sheath itself.

2. The use precautions of cystoscope

In acute cystitis, cystoscope should not be performed. In the examination of acute cystitis, in addition to the medical history and signs, a mid-segment urine examination is required. There are pus and red blood cells in the urine. In order to treat in time, the urine smear can be checked by Gram staining first, and the nature of the bacteria can be preliminarily determined. At the same time, bacterial culture, colony count and antibiotic susceptibility test can be performed to provide a more accurate basis for future treatment. Elevated white blood cells in the blood.

Due to the invasive nature of cystoscope, most patients will have mild hematuria, frequent urination, dysuria and other symptoms after the examination. Patients should be told to drink plenty of water after examination and take appropriate antibiotics to prevent infection. As long as the indications for cystoscope are strictly grasped and the operation is performed carefully, there will generally be no complications. However, patients should also be reminded that if they have fever, severe hematuria, pain, etc., they should return to the hospital in time to avoid serious complications.

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